Wow it has been an entire three weeks since I posted! I was way too busy having fun with my kinders during our last weeks together. I've shared a few recaps below. My countdown envelope clothesline worked out great by the way. They loved it, and the activities were very doable! Now my classroom is all packed up, I've said my goodbyes, and I am working on looking for a position for next year. I'm trying to stay positive and enjoy my summer! (Well, hopefully after I finish up my summer graduate course in T-2 days! Because in T-3 days I'm going on a 10 day road trip/vacation!!!)
Our second-to-last day of school I had planned a beach themed day. While the kids were at specials I decorated the almost-bare room very simply with some dollar store beach and luau themed cutouts. It felt weird to be stapling things up when I was supposed to be taking things down, but it was totally worth it when they came in and I saw their surprised little faces! They completely thought they were at the "beach." Above is a tablecloth I put down on our carpet. I had them sit on the edges and we passed the ball around to fun music (thank you Pandora beach station). When the music stopped, they had to do whatever their right hand was pointing to on the beach ball (chicken dance, moo like a cow, etc.) We also played beach Pictionary on the Promethean board and did a cute "following directions" worksheet on adding details to a beach picture. I had other activities in mind too, but these took a lot longer than I had planned and they were having so much fun that we kept on playing.

And no beach day would be complete without beach snacks. They had Hawaiian punch in fun cups with flamingo straws and popsicles. You would have thought they were in heaven. :)
Remember how I said I would only eat Chickfila's cobb salad??? Well I am happy to report that I have found a second salad that I love. McDonald's has a new Asian salad and it has all my favorite things. I'm working on liking the lettuce part of the salad...haha. At least there is spinach and kale, which, oddly enough, I enjoy eating.
I've recently been using my iPhone Kindle app to read books. Now that it's summer, I plan on doing a lot more reading and this was my first pick. I was looking for a running book and I love how she describes the beginning process of "becoming" a runner. I found myself identifying with a lot of struggles and highs and lows she faced while preparing for a marathon. I mean, I haven't run a marathon, but I am relatively new to running (off and on for the past three years). Maybe, just maybe I can get to that half marathon this fall!
Got any other summer reading suggestions??? I'm also looking for some good (but enjoyable) teacher reads...
I'm going on my second job interview tomorrow. Even though I've interviewed for teaching jobs before, I always get really nervous. I've heard great things about the place I am interviewing for and it is my best chance at a good full-time position so far, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best! Any good tips???
I loved my PreK/K team coworkers this year and will miss them...we got along so well and I don't think that is something that can be taken for granted. On my last day they gave me...mace. For my running, to keep me safe.. :) I will think of them everytime I carry this in my hand!
Have a fun first "official" week of summer!