Friday, August 7, 2015

Five for Friday- Almost that Time!

So I don't have a picture for this, but a good part of the week was spent in some training workshops for my new position.  It's helping me slowly ease back into a school routine but I am feeling a little overwhelmed too!  Less than a week to go until I am officially back to work, and two weeks until the kiddos start.  (Sheesh...typing that out made me a little nervous!) 

I got some great deals at the TpT sale!  There were some things sitting in my wish list that I have been wanting...I finished off my Beginning Writers monthly prompts from the Moffatt Girls along with some other good buys!  

So now that the TpT back to school sale is over, it's printing and laminating time.  (Since this is Doodle Bug's linkup, I thought it would be fun to show these!  These are her Back to School Clip Cards .  I wanted to have them on hand for my Word Work station for the first couple of weeks.  I tried them out on our resident six year old and she loved them!)  

I don't currently have a printer that works with my new laptop, and getting stuff printed has been frustrating.  I purchased a classroom decor set that I am trying unsuccessfully to print.  I made the mistake of sending the clip cards to my local UPS store which charged an arm and a leg.  The closest Staples is about a 40 minute drive away, but much cheaper per page.  After trying unsuccessfully to upload the document to the website for a day, and then downloading the app which was supposed to be quick and easy but didn't work, I gave up and went into the Staples store myself.  There I was told to email the document.  So I did, and the Google Drive link wasn't working.  So I went home and sent the pdf as an attachment.  It sent, but after not receiving the confirmation email I went to my "sent" folder and IT IS NOT THERE.  I have no idea what happened to it.  I typed out all the pages I needed too.  It is a 200+ page document but I only want about 75 of the pages right now.  And when I called, the lady said "I think we have to print the whole thing, I'm not sure we can do that."  Now I can't figure out how to delete pages....any free application I try to open it with says the file is too large.  And the Adobe application I think I need costs $ to download.  Needless to say, it is SUPER FRUSTRATING!!! 

So if any of you more experienced printers out there know of some tricks for getting this done, please let me know!  I want to move away from thinking about the decorating for a bit and spend some time focusing on the curriculum and management piece before school starts, but I do want things looking put-together and organized!

OK that's all for my printing rant.  :)  I got new running shoes!  Well actually I bought them at a sale back in the spring but pulled them out this month.  My old Asics were black, which I think I liked better, but I do like the blue and pink combo on these. 

It's back to the chocolate this week (maybe due to my printer frustration!).  I think I consumed three or four of these over the past week or so.  I've noticed that there are these little Starbucks refrigerators popping up in checkout lines in the grocery store, Walmart, dollar stores, everywhere.  Which makes walking by without grabbing one almost impossible, especially on a hot day!  I have been trying to wean myself to the ones that are just coffee + milk.  I don't even want to know how many more calories are in the frappucino!


  1. I, too, find it hard to resist the little Starbucks refrigerators!

    1. Ah yes! They are just way too convenient. ;) Thanks for stopping by!
