Monday, March 30, 2015

Bunny Baskets


I made these while student teaching first grade, again as a service learning project with my high schoolers, and I'm excited to do them again this week with my kindergarten kiddies!

1.  You need a clean, empty milk jug for each student.  I sent a letter home last week asking everyone to bring some in.  Some moms are kindly collecting extras in case someone needs one!

(The most time consuming part of this may be taking off the labels.  As they come in, I am peeling most of the labels off, then rinsing the residue under hot water.  With a little scrubbing it comes off pretty easily.  just painting over the labels with white paint and calling it a day!  Although, I did just read that wiping them down with vegetable oil 24 hours beforehand will help them slide off!)

2.  Draw a pair of white ears and a pair of pink middles for each student.  I used a half sheet of white construction paper and a quarter sheet of pink.

3.  Cut off the top of the milk jug.  Just follow the natural bend of the jug and try to make the edges as smooth as possible.  (I traced the line in black here to make it easier to see.)

4.  Okay, that's all the prep work!  Now, have students cut out the ears and glue the pink middles to the white outsides. 

5.  Set up a hot glue station.  For each student, you need one pipe cleaner cut in half, a pair of wiggle eyes, and two pom pom balls.  I used a small one for the nose and a big one for the tail!  You could also use a cotton ball tail.  :)

(Management tip:  I am going to have the students work on coloring a book about spring animals at their seats and call them over to work with me one at a time!)

6.  Glue the ears to the top of the jug- one on each side of the handle. 

7.  Have the student fold the pipe cleaner halves in half.  Glue them to the outside edge opposite the handle.

8.  Glue on the wiggle eyes and nose.

9.  Glue on the tail on the back.

10.  All finished and ready to use for egg collecting!  For a little something extra, I have plastic baggies of Easter grass ready to send home with each student to put in the bottom of their bunny basket. 

Happy Easter!


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